Monday, April 12, 2010


April 12-19

Once upon a time there was a tiger. He loved a girl. But she wouldn't have anything to do with him. He stalked her like she was prey and she pretended not to notice.

Monday: I told my boyfriend today that we wouldn't hang out after school all week.

One day he told her, "I'm going out to find the most beautiful thing and bring it back to you. I hope with this gift you would give me a chance."
"I'll think about it," she said.

He looked hurt.

He left after that to begin right away. He started in a marshy swamp thing. Lots of bacteria and cattails and birds and bugs. Nothing right.

Tuesday: I couldn't do it. I went over to his house.

The grasslands were boring. Ponds were full of scum. Cities only looked nice at night and what could you bring from that? A picture? Pictures are only for memories and that wouldn't do since you can't just share a memory like that... psh... pictures...

I suck in my mind. I'm also teaching him bad things that I give in.

The deserts were full of lots of nothing. Too hot in the day, too cold at night. I'll remember to never move here, he thought.

Wednesday: I wasn't even going to bother to continue with my original plan. I gave up completely.

The tiger tried the great oceans, the ice, the mountains, and the forests. The oceans had beautiful fish but he felt like they were too showy and touristic. The ice was too bright and the polar bears too invisible. The mountains were a perfect place to climb but... goats were too many and he never spotted the famous snow leopard which was sad because he thought they would be such chill friends. The forests were full of tall trees. They would've been perfect if they weren't so attached to the ground. The ones that weren't attached were too heavy and dead and not majestic any more.

Thursday: I think I'm an awful person. It feels as if he's looking at me wrong. He's seeing into me and seeing how much I'm hating myself.

The tiger felt like he had tried everywhere on earth and became sad. He tried the afterlife as a last resort. Who knew how he got there. He saw the fallen gods of Greece who no one believes in. The goddesses were beautiful, especially Aphrodite. He tried to drag her away but she didn't want to leave Hephaestus. The tiger thought nothing can be more beautiful than love like that until he noticed that she sleeps with everyone else and Hephaestus doesn't notice. What a sad way to live in death for both of them, he thought. The tiger's depression worsened and he moved on to the heroes. His eye caught on Helen until he noticed she's still being warred over and gave up straightaway. I guess home is the only place left, he thought sadly.

Friday: I've given up caring. It's time to party.

He drug his feet on his way home because he knew that his hands full of nothing would get a not a chance from the girl he loves. She saw him come home and watched him avoid eye contact. He woke early the next day and found her at the local watering hole. He tried to pretend like he didn't see her. She tried to talk with him but he is ashamed and ignored her advances. He turned his back on her. She cried all day on the bank. The watering hole grew twice in size. It started to rain. She sat moping in the middle. She thought about him every day when he was gone on his trip. She worried that he was dead. Her face lit up when she saw that he was home the day before and when he didn't bound over to her she thought he had a secret. But after their meeting or non meeting that day at the watering hole she felt like she had a rip in her heart. She gave up moping with a plan. She hunted him down, pounced, and tied a bandanna around his eyes as a blindfold. She dragged him along to her favorite place. When she removed the blindfold, his eyes teared up as he looked the tree up and down and said, "This is perfect."

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