Tuesday, April 10, 2012


So today was really good. I learned my boyfriend did the best in his class on a midterm (so awesome!!) and we went out to my favorite Mexican place because they have these amazing bean burritos. Also it's in our price range (so awesome!!!). And it has good other things. And then I knitted for a long time today. Although I didn't see my soulmate so that was sad.

This weekend just burned me out. I hate hotels. And I love being back in my bed.

I started reading The Help and when I'm trying to go to sleep the vernacular in the book is hard to read. I have to almost say the words aloud to understand what they mean. Like law = lord. That one took the longest.

Also my boobs hurt. And I'm not sure why. I wish they didn't. I wish I wasn't so tired.

I miss my soulmate's kitty.

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